2023-Year in Review

Aderohunmu Damilola
7 min readDec 31, 2023


Like I had in 2022, my theme for the year 2023 was “Growth,” and though I embraced it, what awaited me was quite more than I imagined.

2023, is that you?

As the year dawned, I embraced the metaphor of the cocoon, symbolizing a transformative journey awaiting me. Just as a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis, so too did I anticipate a profound change.

Errr, no 😂

That was a short attempt at seeing if my writing pattern has also grown. It did but didn’t grow into that. Though this was an attempt at a comic side to this review, it is quite representative of the growth I experienced this year. I grew but I stayed true to who I am at the core.

As the year started, I was quite apprehensive about what it entailed and how I could commit myself wholly to it. I was also pretty ecstatic about turning 30 as well. For me, turning 30 meant a whole lot to me, and it was a reflection of how I have been able to navigate the complexities of my life.

A picture of me looking at the beautiful island of Lamu, taken in March, but we can pretend that it was me on January 1, thinking about the new year.

February, however, was a bittersweet experience for me. The Nigerian election felt like a personal loss, and on top of that, my house got burgled, creating a sense of insecurity I had never experienced before. I was always pretty confident about being alone and safe in my house. Ever since I haven’t been able to feel like I used to. It doesn’t help that it happened again later in the year.

Regardless, 2023 was still a very growth-filled and beautiful year for me.

The demands of the year can be likened to a relentless storm because I had a lot thrown at me, but within that chaos, I found the strength to weather it. The challenges were not just professional but seeped into my personal life, testing the boundaries of my resilience.I thought I had a better year with my mental health but a review and feedback showed, that I did shut people out a lot this year and I did a lot of staying alone with myself and my thoughts. I hope to do better next year.

Anyway, here are some defining moments of my year.

  • My LinkedIn 100-day learning challenge: As someone who is always on some project or schooling, falling into a routine can make me very apprehensive. On a faithful eveing, I felt I was soaked into just work and didn’t have time to do any personal development or branding so I decided to go on a 100-day learning LinkedIn challenge despite handling over 9 projects concurrently.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I failed. There is no other way to describe it.
    I did about 10 posts on LinkedIn, and I couldn’t continue. I was so spent and did not want to publicly fail. On top of that, I was studying to write the PMP certification exams. If there is one thing I learned from that experience, it is sometimes okay to fail and restrategise.
    I restrategised and looked for other ways to build my LinkedIn brand. It worked and I got the LinkedIn Top Project Management Voice badge, which I am quite excited about. 2024, we go againnnnn.
  • My TEDx talk on Volunteering: I gave a TEDx talk and on something I care about and love so much: volunteering. You can watch it here. The audio quality is not so great, but if you prefer to read the script, you can access it here (The highlights were how I memorised my talk. I am proud of myself for not using a prompt or read from any anywhere). I look forward to a couple more speaking engagements in 2024.
  • Travelling to three African countries: I love travelling and I have looked forward to exploring Africa so visiting Benin Rebublic, Kenya and Zambia was such joyful moments for me (btw, Nairobi is currently my favourite city). I also got to visit northern Nigeria for the first time and that wass pretty exciting!
Bombastic side eye from a giraffe I met in Kenya
  • Being added to the management committee (I think sub commitee is more accurate, lol) at work : At the time I was added, I had not spent a year at the organisation so that was a very significant achievement for me. It also meant that I was at the strategy retreat for the organisation where I had to give a presentation on my team and what we do and my contributions and dedication to the organisation were recognised and valued. This achievement and other recognitions served as a testament to the growth and progress I’ve made within the organization in a relatively short period.
  • My spiritual growth: My spiritual journey this year was veryy personal. God specifically directed me to people, places and messages that placed me right in the center of God’s will. I am so grateful and better for it.
  • Managing over 13 projects at work: There were many times in the year where I said out loud “ Se e fe pami ni”. However, I am super proud of the work that I and the team did. The fact that we implemented new processes whild navigating all the different projects and their specific peculiarities is what I will define as success and growth.
  • Turning 30: Let’s face it, you knew I would add this here 😂. I feel so grown and wise, yet inexplicably full of creaky bones and back pains (where do the back pains come from????????; nevermind, I know *sigh*).

In the spirit of being 30 and full of words of wisdom, here are major lessons I learned this year. This year, I did learn a lot because with growth comes lots of learning and lessons.

  • Investing in people is always such a fufiling experience. In 2021, I volunteered in a mentorship program organised by my university alumni association and had two mentees who were still in uni and were trying to figure out their next steps and career path. Fast forward to this year, I got a message from one of them, illustrating the impact of guidance and support on their journey.
  • Life is fleeting, and grief is like Lagos traffic, very annoying, frustrating and sometimes, comes at you very unexpectedly.
  • Some people will decide to just not like your person, and that’s okay. You are not fried plantain.
  • Success is not a solo journey; it’s a collaborative effort. Acknowledging the support and collaboration of others in your achievements is crucial. Every success is built on a foundation of shared efforts and teamwork.
  • Flexibility is a strength, not a weakness. Life is unpredictable, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a powerful skill.
  • Embrace the power of saying no. Learning to set boundaries and say no when necessary is a valuable lesson. It’s not about limiting opportunities but about prioritising your time and energy for what truly matters.
  • Authenticity attracts authenticity. Being true to yourself not only fosters a sense of fulfillment but also attracts genuine connections. I have met some really sweet people this year and it was basically by being myself.

God is very intentional and he listens.

  • Kindness is a powerful force. Acts of kindness, both big and small, have a ripple effect on your well-being and those around you.
  • You have to contend for your joy. Cultivate gratitude in everyday moments. Gratitude is a powerful mindset that transforms how you perceive life. Taking time to appreciate the small, everyday moments fosters a sense of contentment and joy.
  • The journey is as important as the destination. While setting and achieving goals is fulfilling, cherish the journey itself. The process of growth and self-discovery is where true transformation happens.

If there was one area I wish I did a lot more, it would be my frienships. I have always taken pride in being an awesome and involved friend, but I am not sure I was at 100% this year though I tried. Birthdays were forgotten, and as someone who enjoyed writing long epistles to my friends, I did not write a single one. I, however, did not lose any friend, so that’s a win 😂.

Looking Forward

I strongly know that I am moving into a new season of my life in 2024, and I am pretty excited and committed to putting in the work. As I look forward, I do so with a clearer vision, armed with the knowledge of where I have been and where I want to go (and the great wisdom of a 30+ woman 😂). If there is anything I want to be committed to, it is to being courageous, both spiritually and professionally.

My personal theme for the year is “DISPERSE”. According to the dictionary, it means “to cause to become spread widely”. In 2023, I embraced the word “Growth” with open arms. Layer by layer, the journey unfolded, revealing the beauty of metamorphosis.

As I step into the future, I carry the wisdom gained, ready for the continuous evolution that life promises; and ready to spread my tentacles.

It’s only fair for me to add a picture of myself looking forward to the future to end this review 😂😂😂😂

I wish you have a great 2024 !!

